Friday, April 18, 2008


Okay, so I type for a lot of doctors with accents, some extremely heavy accents and some not so heavy. Sometimes the really heavy accents are easier to understand than the lighter ones because sometimes the heavier accented docs will try and be nice and speak splain (yes I meant to put that s there, I like to say please speak splain to my kids, makes them giggle). Anyway, today I had a doctor who really doesn't have that heavy of an accent but he's hard to understand for the simple fact that he over compensates and tries very hard to speak clearly but ends up over emphasizing words, almost like he's trying to talk slow and plain for someone who's not too quick in the head. He's hard to understand anyway because he wants to pronunciate every a, e, i, o, u and every flippin' consonant precisely but then on top of that he wants to repeat everything twice and sometimes three times. Then you finally get your sentence typed out (or corrected if I'm doing speech recognition) and then he wants to go back and correct the whole sentence or repeat it. Needless to say it's quite annoying and goes something like this...

Extremities, that's extremities e x t r e m i t i e s (yes, he likes to spell things out), extremities, pulses are 1+ bilaterally b i l a t e r a l e (he often misspells things too). No wait, go back, extremities are cold. The patient CANNOT feel soft pinprick in heels, that's h e e l s, no wait, go back... Extremities, that's e x t r e m i t i e s, extremities are not warm. Did I say that already? Lets go back... Extremities are cold to the touch, that's touch t o u c h.

Needless to say a two minute report quickly turns into a 10 minute report and I'm about ready to pull my hair out. I often find myself yelling at my computer screen, dammit just talk. And my boss wonders why I'm sometimes not the fastest typist in the group...

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